Material: soft maple, hard maple, ash
Dimensions: 40" x 40" X 24"
Platter is a meditating chair, a place for you to sit and take a break, breathe, contemplate and simply relax. The topic that was focused on was mindfulness that is to be aware, present and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us.
your legs
Drawing inspiration from simple sitting meditation exercises, the wide seat encourages us to sit cross-legged, a common meditation pose, and the low height makes us feel like we are sitting on the ground.
sit, breathe
There are different practices for meditation, one I drew inspiration from was from sitting meditation poses. Sitting cross-legged or simply keeping your back upright and controlling your breathing helps you stay aware of your posture and body.
Inspiration board
Exploration sketches
Exploration small scale models
Final small scale model,
moved on to Rhino 3D model to
finalize dimension and design
Full scale model exploration
First full scale model to figure out the basic dimensions of maximum width for sitting cross-legged
Shaped the back a little bit more to understand what points of the spine the back needs to hit to make sure user sits comfortably and relaxed
CAD Model
Fabrication Process
The legs, stretchers and seat are made of hard maple. The stretchers have channels at the bottom where the seat screws into to allow expansion and contraction.
The seat is made of hard maple and has a dimension of 32"x32"x1.5" . The seat was also fabricated with the CNC machine
A jig was made to make the curve of the back of the seat, it's made of ash and was steam-bent.