Broach, 2018
Materials: silver-plated copper, found textiles, sewing thread
"Patches" is a broach inspired by an exhibition titled "Repair & Design Futures" curated by the Rhode Island School Of Design Museum that opened on October 5th. The exhibition includes pieces of clothing and textiles, quilts and appliqués, embroidery pieces and assemblages, each of which contains tears and repairs of varying sizes.
The exhibition challenged the idea of "repair" both literally and metaphorically. In the exhibition there were many examples of pieces of textiles that had holes and rips on them were stitched back together. The stitches in a way bandaged and healed the cloth that were unweaving and unraveling itself, so my definition of repairing is to heal.

Examples of repair work done on various clothing and textiles from the RISD Museum exhibition "Repair & Design Futures"

I collected found textiles that have been leftovers from others' projects and have been worn out, and designed a broach that could be a "home" for the textiles.
By sewing them onto the broach it repurposed the old cloth into something precious. The process of diligently sewing the fragile material into the metal broach made it precious and gave it new meaning.

Thank you for viewing!